MIT App Inventor
First of all, we have to thank
App Inventor Team
for building that incredible paltform. Without them, Kodular would have never existed.
App Inventor starter its development at Google on 2007, until 2010 when it was moved to MIT.
Former Team
- Conor Shipp: Former VP of Engineering
- Michael Winkler: Former VP of Product
- Sander Jochems: Former VP of Digital Tech
- Sivagiri Visakan: Former VP of User Experience
- Vishwas Adiga: Former VP of Design
- Maria ViƱa Lopez: Former CMO, Maria helped us launch Kodular to the world, promoting us on social networks, presenting Kodular at several fairs and more.
- Peter Mathijssen: Power User in App Inventor forum, moderator in our community... Peter is a really active person in App Inventor world, that's why he is also a moderator in our community.
- Kleyber Derick: Since the beginning of Kodular, Kleyber has been supporting and helping us make it bigger. That's only one reason from the large list we have.
- Boban Stojmenovic: A wise and the youngest member of our moderators' team, Boban has contributed to the community for a long time; and to App Inventor since the very beginning.